
Engineer new capabilities in productivity, mobility and exploration. Join 十大赌博靠谱网站平台 at the forefront of invention and imagination.




From helping package our food and assembling automobiles to exploring the ocean’s depths and navigating the surface of the moon, 机器人现在是我们生活和未来不可分割的一部分. 模仿人类行为,但提供独特的能力, robots have helped us accomplish things that once seemed beyond our reach.

If you want to know how robots work behind the scenes and advancements like the Mars exploration rovers, 自动驾驶汽车, 无人机对你来说很令人兴奋, 学习机器人技术可能是你职业生涯的下一步.



机器人技术是一个致力于设计的工程领域, 生产, 操作, and improving robots — intelligent machines with human capabilities or characteristics. 机器人程序包括几个学科:机械, 电, 电脑, 工业与制造工程, 计算机科学, 系统设计, 数据分析. 作为一个机器人专业的学生, 你还将学习计算机视觉, 人工智能, 以及虚拟现实.

机器人 is creating new possibilities across industries and fields: they are essential components of assembly lines, 他们在战斗中帮助保护军事人员, 他们甚至协助手术. Robots are found harvesting crops, automating warehouses, and performing search-and-rescue missions. While early robots had mostly repetitive applications and were primarily limited to manufacturing within the automotive industry, today’s sophisticated robots are more autonomous and can assist in foodservice and transportation. 例如,达美乐和Nuro最近测试了一个 自动驾驶披萨外卖机器人.



Whether you want to invent something new or improve existing technologies, robotics programs prepare you to live out your passion for creativity and address challenges businesses, 人们或国家面临. 机器人 courses teach you how to apply your strengths in science, math and 计算机科学 to engineer machines that improve our lives and work.


Since they are interdisciplinary and applicable to countless settings, 机器人课程为你的职业生涯做准备. 研发自动驾驶半车队. 为一部动作电影编写特技机器人背后的“大脑”. 为家庭助理机器人设计控制装置. 学习机器人技术可以帮助你朝着这些角色和其他角色努力, 结合机械, 电气和计算机工程概念.


The robotics field is continuously evolving and full of possibilities for students interested in how machines work, AI, 编程与技术. 看看下面列出的一些机器人领域的顶级职业.


Design, assemble, test and reconfigure robots for a variety of contexts. 机器人 engineers help bring blueprints and designs for robots to life, 设计原型和模拟机器人的功能. 这些工程师在几个行业工作, 包括制造业, 医疗保健, 国防, 农业, 汽车甚至航空航天. 探索凯特林的B.S. 在工程


设计并建造机器人的物理结构, 硬件和组件, 包括关节, 汽车, 变速箱和其他物理部件. Mechanical engineers are crucial at every stage of a robot’s life — they model, 创建, 组装和测试新的和现有的机器人系统. Responsibilities also include research, collaboration with a team of engineers and simulation.


Work behind the scenes on the key component of robots: their intelligence. Software engineers in robotics programs troubleshoot and develop software and technology applications that allow robots to function. They’re responsible for controls, software integration and putting designs into code.


Because this field is multidisciplinary, you can learn robotics in various engineering programs. Choosing a robotics concentration allows you to specialize in the field, but you’ll also learn skills and concepts you can apply in a robotics career in the following programs.



The best robotics programs 创建 opportunities for applying what you’ve learned in the classroom. Kettering is proud to offer you opportunities to design, program and test robots in state-of-the-art 研究实验室.



Join Kettering’s 战斗机器人 team to engineer real-life robots that duke it out with others throughout the country.


In Kettering’s 机器人 Systems concentration or related robotics programs, you’ll focus on implementing robotics in contexts like virtual reality, 人工智能和能源存储.


学生与第一个 机器人创始人合作是一个“梦想”

Austin Schmitz(22届, ME) took his love of 第一个 机器人 to a new level when he began his 合作社 at DEKA 研究 & 发展公司. 第一个 机器人 founder Dean Kamen started the New Hampshire-based company in 1982.

Students Provide Inspiration to 第一个 Teams with Robot in Three Days Build

2022年1月, 17 Kettering students participated in 第一个’s annual Robot in Three Days Challenge by building a robot designed to play in the 2022 第一个 机器人 Competition (FRC) Game, 快速的反应. 凯特林的建造在72小时内被直播了, and students answered questions from high school students submitted via email or social media comments or messages throughout the build.


Kettering alumna Ashley Swartz has dedicated her career to helping people walk. 她是漫游机器人公司的团队负责人, where they developed a wearable robotic knee brace that is helping people walk — and even ski — without pain.

十大赌博靠谱网站平台 to Host More Than a Thousand High School Students for 机器人 事件

More than a thousand high school robotics students flocked to the Connie and Jim John 娱乐中心 at 十大赌博靠谱网站平台 for two Kettering Kickoff Championships in September 2022. Seventy-seven 第一个 机器人 Competition (FRC) teams from Michigan, 俄亥俄州, 伊利诺伊州和宾夕法尼亚州参加了2022年的FRC比赛, 快速的反应.


十大赌博靠谱网站平台毕业生肖恩·兰格(01届), ME和EE)和他的公司, Lab2Fab are hastening the future of the food service industry with robotics, 自动化和人工智能.

CNXMotion Hosts Its Technology Ride and Drive Event at Kettering’s GM 流动性研究中心

The track at the 十大赌博靠谱网站平台 GM 流动性研究中心 (MRC) is getting a lot of action. Grand Blanc-based CNXMotion is using the facility to show off its latest motion control technologies to invited guests, 包括合作伙伴公司.


你对学习机器人感兴趣吗? Request information about the programs that interest you or apply to a related program today.